Lauren sent us her EPIC Jessie cosplay from Pokemon! She went with a different costume than the standard Team Rocket outfit! She utilized our Athena wig in Dark Red and added in wefts and some awesome styling techniques to get this amazing style! Check out pictures and her story below!
Name: Lauren
Cosplay Handle: Roserevolution
Location: United States
Cosplay or Costume Name: Jessie
Series Name: Pokemon
Style Name or link to wig: 40″ straight in dark red + Extensions
Description of why you chose to cosplay that character and how you went about buying or creating the costume:
Team Rocket is just so goofy and fun, but Jessie’s default outfit is a little too revealing for me. My husband and I had the idea to cosplay Jessie and James in one of their many disguises, these are from an episode where they run a beauty salon for Pokemon. The pants are a heavy cotton, they zip in the back. The lined jacket started with a commercial pattern that had a weird asymmetrical closure, it’s been heavily modified. All of the yellow trim is handmade bias tape that was finished by hand. The earrings used to be buttons on a cardigan, they were just the right shape & size. Of course the main star of this costume is that wig! I love that Epic carries this dark red color. I found 2 tutorials online from Jessie cosplayers, I was able to blend them together and add in a few techniques of my own. Basically it’s a wire armature covered in batting and masking tape which was painted red to match the wig and extensions. The wig was then attached, and strands of hair were carefully glued onto the armature. The entire wig cap is still there, which helps when wearing it. Extensions were really helpful in covering the tip and the crown. It is heavy, and a bit uncomfortable, but the fun of wearing this costume outweighs the pain.