Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Bella and Shane are cosplaying as Liz Thompson and Death the Kid from Soul Eater. While neither of these cosplayers used our wigs for their cosplays we do have some wigs that would work as a great wig as is or as a base wig! For a Death the Kid cosplay we recommend our Chronos wig in Black. For a Bella cosplay we recommend our Dionysus wig in Caramel Blonde. Look on to see some more about their cosplays!

-What inspired you to do these cosplays?
It was actually how we ended up meeting, and then getting in a relationship. We both liked the characters separately and then found out online that we were cosplaying as one half of our favorite couple from the show, he found me cute and… that was it.
-What got you into cosplay?
I’m really crafty and it seemed like a lot of fun, and like it might help my self-esteem a bit.
-Why do you love cosplay?
It’s expression in it’s highest form! I get to do anything I want with my outfit, and the fact that we can do our favorite ships just makes things so much better. I found my boyfriend through it as well.