Here’s one of the entries for our Valentine’s Day Couples Contest! Carlos Pardo and Kirsten Deam are cosplaying as Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2. Although neither cosplayer used a wig from EpicCosplay, we have some recommendations that would work well for each of those characters. For a Ranma cosplay we recommend styling our Theia Wig in Black. For Akane, we recommend using our Chronos Wig in Blue Black Fusion! Read on to learn more about these cosplayers!

-What inspired you to do these cosplays?
We decided to do these costumes for a convention as we would be married the same year. The weekend following the wedding was the convention. Ranma and Akane is our favorite couple from one of our favorite anime/manga, and cosplaying these two brought us together as friends and then something more later, which was more than 6 years ago. We wanted to show our happy union together at the convention through our cosplay. In fact the photo (taken at the con) is almost identical to the manga cover.
-What got you into cosplay?
We both got interested in dressing up as our favorite anime characters after being exposed to anime and manga. Kirsten loves to make stuff too. We wanted to show folks what anime/manga we liked through costume. For Kirsten she had many fandoms she loves that got her interested. For me I guess it was Dragon Ball Z that sparked my interest initially.
-Why do you love cosplay?
It’s great fun way to express oneself, to dress like a character and be the character to show your appreciation for them and the series they are from. I guess it’s also a great way to find other people who have the same interests. And it always feels good when people compliment your costume and take your photo as well. It’s also a fun challenge to make a costume, or just putting on a costume that can be something unusual or rique, or being a character that’s different from your personality. And when you pull it off, you’re pleased with the results.