Our Hestia has a hidden talent!
Did you know you can create cute pigtails and braids with our Hestia? It’s easy! Our many extra rows of wefting make this wig versatile~
If you want to further style your Hestia, Dizzy Lizzy created a useful video on how to create a clean part into the back of a wig. Watch it here!
To create pigtails with our Hestia, loosely section the wig into two halves down the back of the wig. Zigzag your parting to cover any exposed wefting. You can braid the sections, create pigtails, or make small buns!
Take advantage of our Valentine’s Day Pink Sale and be oh so cute in a pink Hestia that you can style over and over! All pink wigs in stock are 14% off until 2/7/14 at midnight! Use code PINK at checkout and enjoy our FREE shipping within the US!