Lady Dimitrescu: Aries in Black, Aries in Natural Black
Our Aries style is most suitable for Lady Dimitrescu. We suggest colors Black or Natural Black (a good option if you don't want her hair to be jet black).
Bela Dimitrescu: Scylla in Natural Blonde, Eros in Natural Blonde
Our first choice would be the Scylla style and Eros would be our second one. Other alternative colors that could work for her would be Platinum Blonde and Caramel Blonde!
Sheva Alomar: Theia in Dark Brown
Considering her bangs and hair length, we think Theia in Dark Brown would be the best option for her!
Ada Wong: Chronos in Black
Chronos in Black would be our first choice for Ada Wong. The wig might be thick in fibers so to thin it out, you can feather the wig!
Jill Valentine: Scylla in Dark Brown
The Scylla is a bit long for the character but since her hairline is fairly close to the Scylla, we do believe this style is still the most preferred. It would just need a chop!
Leon Kennedy: Atlas in Ash Blonde, Atlas Lacefront in Ash Blonde
We recommend our Atlas style in Ash Blonde for Leon. The Atlas comes in a lacefront version and a general version without the lacefront!
Claire Redfield: Phoebe in Dark Brown
We recommend our Phoebe in Dark Brown. It is our prestyled ponytail wig that would work great for her!
Ethan Winters: Atlas Lacefront in Ash Blonde, Atlas Lacefront in Sandy Blonde
With some trimming and styling, we think Atlas Lacefront would be a suitable style for Ethan Winters! We just can't decide between Ash Blonde or Sandy Blonde. Either color could work depending on your skin tone and personal preferences!