EpicCosplay Wigs will have Cosplay in America's Ejen Chuang on site at Anime Los Angeles as our official photoshoot photographer!
If you use an EpicCosplay wig with your cosplay, your photoshoot is FREE! We request a $10 donation to go the photographer for everyone else. Sign ups for 10 minute intervals are first come first serve (fcfs) at the EpicCosplay booth in the dealer's hall, so hurry to secure your time slot on Friday before they're all filled! All 10 minute shoots come with 2 high-res photos emailed to you.
Non-EpicCosplay shoots are charged based on time slot, not per person. Maximum of 5 people in one group.
Please bring your appointment ticket that you received when signing up and arrive at the scheduled time.
If you miss your time slot, there will be walk-in sessions (see hours below) to make up your appointments, but they are fcfs and you are not guaranteed time.
In Photo Studio (Meeting Room 104B)
Saturday 10am-6pm with walk-ins from 6pm-8pm (1-2pm lunch break)